The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984(OSH Act) and Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 require electrical equipment at workplaces to be safe and not expose workers to hazards.
Specified electrical equipment and safety switches need to be tested at intervals according to their class of work. As a general rule, any equipment used in mining, construction or demolition must be tested and tagged in according with AS/NZS3012:2003, usually at intervals of three months.
For workplaces other than construction or demolition sites or mining operations, portable electrical equipment and RCDs are not required to be tagged. However, there should be evidence that a maintenance program is in place and it is a good practice to regularly test and tag all electrical equipment in accordance with AS/NZS3760:2003.
A competent person must undertake the testing of electrical equipment. This is a person who has acquired, through training, qualification or experience, or a combination of these, the knowledge and skills required to test electrical equipment competently. The testing of electrical equipment requires specific expertise and interpretation of results and, therefore, can only be carried out by appropriately qualified or trained people who are able to recognise electrical hazards or potentially unsafe conditions.
A durable tag must be attached after inspecting and testing to clearly show the test date and the next scheduled test and inspection date.
More information on testing and Tagging can be found in the Guide to Testing and Tagging by WorkSafe Australia.